Walsh University

North Canton, OH 44720
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Global Learning Mission

Inspired by the example of the Brothers of Christian and Instruction and guided by the mission of Walsh University, the Office of Global Learning provides educational opportunities which value the diversity of human experience across the globe. Global Learning students become part of a learning community which encourages them to partner with peers around the world to serve, while exploring the foundations of their own religious, cultural, and intellectual traditions.  Global Learning advances student’s personal, professional and cultural development through active engagement with the global “community of mankind” (Gaudium et spes).

Why Global Learning?

Our students develop:

·         an increased independence and self-confidence

·         the ability to earn credit toward a degree while experiencing

·         different cultures and customs

·         an opportunity to learn and put to use a new language

·         an enhanced global perspective important to today's employees

Apart from the academic component of these ventures, an extended period of time abroad offers a cultural immersion, an opportunity to examine habits and attitudes different from those at home. Participants in Walsh University's Global Learning Programs accept challenges different from those on our campus, and return to North Canton with a larger view of the world, a deeper understanding of its peoples and a stronger sense of themselves. The Office of Global Learning encourages students to explore our overseas opportunities and facilitates the study abroad process.

Study Abroad is an opportunity to continue your college education while living in another country. Study Abroad is not merely a travel experience, but an academic experience (first and foremost) in an international setting.

Our world has become increasingly inter-related and learning about globalization and intercultural perspectives is necessary for success in our communities and our workplace. Study Abroad is relevant and meaningful for students in any academic discipline. Yes, that is correct! Study Abroad is appropriate, no matter what your academic major is.

Students who participate in a meaningful international experience develop skills, attitudes and characteristics that can significantly enhance academic goals, career path, and personal life. Study Abroad is commonly referred to as an astounding, life-changing experience, above and beyond the initial expectations of the participant. An experience that will challenge you, change you, and motivate you... Study Abroad is well worth the time, money, and effort students put into it.

Study Abroad is not just for the rich or privileged, it is not just for those fluent in a foreign language, it is not simply a vacation. Study Abroad is for everyone who wants to grow personally, understand academic topics from an international perspective, and wants to prepare for a meaningful career.

Walsh University Global Learning Office