Walsh University

North Canton, OH 44720
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I study abroad?

The Big “3”:
  1. Academic Perspective
  2. Personal Development
  3. Career Enhancement
  • Become more mature and self-confident as you learn the skills to succeed in unfamiliar environments and enjoy adapting to new places.
  • Earn academic credit that will help you progress toward your graduation while experiencing a new environment.
  • Get an international experience beyond a superficial tourist experience.
  • Understand how culture guides values and behaviors and learn to respect different cultures.
  • Understand your academic major from an international perspective and how your intended career is related to increasingly global issues, co-workers, clients, customers, etc.
  • Practice intercultural competencies that enhance your career and social relationships.
  • Add something extra to your resume which will make you more appealing to employers.
  • Enhance your career opportunities with a second or third language which is so valuable to the future of our workforce.

Who can study abroad?

All college students are encouraged to study abroad! No matter what your academic major is, or your career goals, study abroad is relevant to all students.

The minimum eligibility requirements are:
  • be in good standing (academic, disciplinary, financial)
  • earn a minimum cumulative g.p.a of 2.5 before participating in study abroad
  • successfully complete at least one semester at Walsh  before participating in a program
  • Must be of 18 years of age.

What credit will I earn on study abroad?

Study abroad allows you to earn college academic credit for courses taken while abroad, IF courses are pre-approved before you participate in a program. From accredited institutions, academic credit should transfer the same as taking college courses at another institution in the U.S. and adding it to your degree requirements.

When should I study abroad?

The earliest students are eligible to study abroad is the spring of their Freshman year, after completing a successful semester at Walsh.  Studying abroad in the final semester of Senior year is possible, but can be difficult due to program capstones and other on-campus coursework. 



Red = No
Green = Yes

Where should I study abroad?

Your decision of “where” to study abroad should be based on several important questions.

Where can I take courses I can use toward my degree (general ed. requirements and/or major)?
Am I more comfortable living “day-in and day-out” in a major capitol city, a smaller city, or a rural environment?
Is it safe and/or practical to study in a country for which I do not speak the language fluently?

Look at the Walsh Program Listing

How can I afford to study abroad?

Institutional policies on payment for study abroad

Walsh University requires that students participating in study abroad be responsible for all deposits, fees and program costs related to the student’s chosen Global Learning program.

Students are encouraged to schedule an individual appointment with the Student Service Center in Farrell Hall (330-490-7367) to learn more about their own financial aid package applies or changes due to a Global Learning program.

Cost comparison of external programs

The Global Learning Office welcomes student inquiries about comparing and contrasting external (non-Walsh) study abroad programs, which includes program and living costs. Advertised program prices are not commonly listed as a comprehensive cost of participation.

Financial aid information

Do not assume that you are (or are not) eligible for financial aid.

Explore financial aid options. Whether you are currently eligible for financial aid at Walsh or not. There are additional costs related to study abroad and alternative financial aid resources specifically for study abroad that may change your eligibility.

Financial aid sources come from:
  • federal student grants
  • federal student loans
  • private student loans
  • scholarships
  • program discounts
  • family and friends
  • many other sources

Scholarship information

Explore scholarship opportunities at:

Study Abroad Scholarship Databases:
Walsh University Global Learning Office